The Reality of a Funding Freeze & PRISM’s Response


Dear Friends and Supporters of PRISM, 

PRISM is committed to delivering dignified and professional essential services to people who are struggling to meet their most basic needs. Executive orders from President Trump in the past two weeks have heightened feelings of uncertainty and fear for many community members.  

Many questions remain unanswered, but the proposed freeze on federal funding would have a direct impact on our ability to provide direct services for food and housing. Immigration enforcement has a chilling effect on many communities, and we are concerned about safe access for food, shelter, medical care, and related needs. 

Each day, over 125 families and vulnerable community members visit PRISM for assistance with food, housing, clothing, and resources for their families. Their perceived and physical safety is something PRISM takes very seriously. 

Funding Programs 

Approximately 13% of PRISM’s financial contributions come from government sources. Our diverse revenue base, including earned income from Shop for Change, continues to be a key driver in our stability and longevity through turbulent times.  

While our funding streams are diverse, if the federal government freezes funding, we estimate a loss of $110,900 in revenue along with another $103,000 worth of food (approximately 48,000 pounds). Much of the funding we receive is indirect, meaning it flows through that state, city, and other entities before it comes to us.  

Here are some specifics on what could impacted by a funding freeze: 

  • 48,000 pounds (about twice the weight of a school bus) of free food that is provided through the UDSA food commodities program, TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) would be cut off 
  • Housing direct assistance for families facing homelessness reduced 
  • Funding to purchase food and related items in the food shelf reduced 
  • Grant to buy food from socially disadvantaged farmers discontinued 
  • Case management funding for staff salaries reduced 
  • Loss of Americorps member, resulting in staffing capacity reduced 

We are committed to maintaining our staffing levels and ensuring every person feels valued and supported. Scenario planning for funding changes is under way and we want you to be informed about our efforts. 

How We Work with Families 

We do not ask, collect, or store any information about immigration status, civil, or criminal matters. We are mandated reporters, however, so any reports of child or vulnerable adult neglect or abuse is required, by law. Only necessary information is collected from participants, and files are stored following strict record retention policies.  

Our goal is for participants to be educated and connected with key community resources. Information is shared about a person’s rights, emergency preparedness, and referrals for legal, emotional, or educational needs, as needed. 

The food shelf is open to anyone in need, and it will stay that way. 

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Organizations such as social service agencies, hospitals, and schools are no longer considered ‘safe spaces’ from immigration enforcement. PRISM is prepared should ICE come on site. We are legally obligated to not interfere with officers and take the well-being of anyone at PRISM seriously. ICE legally can come to our parking lot, food shelf lobby, and Shop for Change – all public spaces. Areas that are not open to the public are clearly indicated. Should a judicial warrant be issued to enter PRISM’s private spaces, leadership staff are prepared for what to ask for, and how to respond.  

We are in communication with local law enforcement, experts, and community partners about the best ways to handle a variety of situations.  

Our Commitment 

With the full support of the board of directors, I am actively engaging with the community and seeking information about immigration enforcement and potential funding freezes to ensure that PRISM is prepared for a variety of scenarios. 

We are more determined than ever to be a space of belonging and stability, for as long as we are needed. There is a flurry of activity, but we are focused on what we do best: being a source of hope, connection, and dignity to everyone. 

You can make a difference right now in your community. Your continued support through donations, volunteerism, and raising awareness about PRISM will help to ensure services are uninterrupted.  

Thank you for trusting PRISM and believing in our values of dignity, kindness, and respect. 

Feel free to contact me directly with questions, ideas, or concerns. 

In Service, 

Michelle Ness, MSW, LISW 

Executive Director at PRISM

Please direct media inquiries to Alisha Weis, Advancement Director

Call Alisha763-432-4229

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